Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nothing to do.

I'm done with my first semester in college. It was definitely a life changing experience going to school in Colorado, especially considering I've lived in California my whole life. The biggest shock to me was the cold. I thought 50 degrees in the bay area was cold but that doesn't compare to 20 degrees and snowing in Colorado. Burrrr! Besides that, I have all of this new found freedom. I can pretty much do what I want, with whom ever I want, when I want to do it. (To a certain extent of course) but I don't take advantage of this liberation as much as I thought I would. Sometimes I'll just stay in on a perfectly good Friday night. Who knows? Maybe it's the cold. I feel a change in myself ever since going off to school. I'm more reserved and I worry too much about the little things.

It's late and I need to sleep. Good night moon.